Obama and Me – And Librarians!
Earlier in the month, I wrote about librarians. To my amazement, President Obama wrote about librarians that week too.
Earlier in the month, I wrote about librarians. To my amazement, President Obama wrote about librarians that week too.
My dad recommended library science as a course of study for me way back in middle school. I thought the gentleman was nuts.
Attracting new customers as a business owner is an important ongoing activity. Content planning is proven to help produce better content that reaches more of the right people and gets
Everybody’s raving about Chat-GPT, and not always in a good way. It seems to be driving some folks stark raving mad! Boy! Don’t get them started.
This is not an article that I meant to write. But it is an area of concern that content creators deal with almost every day. And today we are all
I don’t know about you, but for me finding inspiration is a full-time job. It is ironic that I get clients up and running with disciplined content planning
People have been telling me for years that I need to “tell my story.” And I keep saying, “What story?” I’ve had a happy life. Who wants to hear about