The Allyson Group

Content Planning
Rescue Your Content from Randomness

Content planning. It’s a simple process that helps you craft the best and most useful content inside a carefully constructed framework. Great content does not happen by itself!

A solid content plan: 

    • Gives your team a strategic direction
    • Focuses you on customers’ point of view, helping bring the right prospects into your tent 
    • Gives you many months’ worth of topics, so you always know what to write
    • Calendars your posts – so you always know when
    • Generates the metrics to tract your ROI

Content planning can give all your websites, blogs, and social media posts a single thematic focus. A focus helps make your brand’s value proposition clear to consumers.

Content planning also makes it easier to delegate. It allows other writers to keep your content on-topic and on-brand, providing a road map that every communicator can follow!

Then there’s SEO. Great content is optimized in the planning process – attracting the people already searching for you online.

What numbers are you looking to influence? Readership? Donations? Email subscribers? Strategic hires? If your content is tied to your objectives, you’ll have something to measure.

Imagine not having to wrack your brains for a juicy topic every single time you sit down to write!

Give us a call.